Mohsen Rafiqdoust is a trustee along with Ebrahim Asgarian Damavandi (see above), Ali Naqi Khamoushi (see above), Manouchehr Mottaki (former foreign minister), Seyyed Mahmoud Chavoshi, and cleric Mostafa Foumani al-Haeri (former MP and Iranian envoy to the UAE).
Several of the institution’s current board members are former or current ambassadors and diplomats, including Mohammad Khazaei (former UN envoy), Seyyed Baqer Sakhaei (former envoy to Qatar and Tunisia), and Seyyed Javad Rasouli Mahalati (former envoy to Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the Philippines and current envoy to Bulgaria).
Seyyed Baqer Sakhaei’s son Ehsan Sakhaei was named in the Bank Mellat corruption case.17 During the trial it emerged that one of Sakhaei Jr.’s companies, which was involved in Iran’s oil swap deals, had paid back only 19 million dollars of a 25.3 million dollar loan to Bank Mellat after seven years and now owed the bank not only the remaining 6 million dollars of principal but 15 million dollars in interest as well. Ehsan Sakhaei, who is the son-in-law of Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi, was not charged or prosecuted in connection with the Bank Mellat case.