Mohammad Farshad
Trustee and corporate inspector for Mola al-Movahedin Charity (MMC). Farshad was the governor of Kahnouj, Kerman Province, in the 1980s. His past positions include director general of the Iranian National Tax Administration office of Guilan Province in the Rafsanjani and Khatami administrations, and intelligence and political deputy of the governor general of Kerman in the Khatami administration. Since August 27, 2017, he has been the head of Kerman City Council. Farshad was the board chairman of a company called Farazan Consulting Engineers until October 2019. According to its website, this firm has undertaken major Kerman development projects such as the Kerman Trade Chamber building, Kerman Seminary building, Zarand City Morgue, and the Zarand and Rafsanjan Zoorkhaneh. Farshad is also one of the founders and the secretary general of the Development and Liberation of Kerman Province Party (DLKP).