Sasan Delaviz

Sasan Delaviz has held positions at the Expediency Council and the Guardian Council and was also briefly the governor of Taleqan Province. He was recently appointed as the deputy for planning, support and development of the Iranian postal service, according to public business registry documents.

Meysam Emroudi

A cleric who shares business interests with the Supreme Leader’s family. Connected to Muslim Journalists’ Association’s 2nd deputy general Mehdi Shakibaei through the Qalibaf network.

Yaser Farzin

Gholamreza Tajgardoon’s nephew and sales manager at Pasargad Oil.

Mohsen Delaviz

A close friend of Gholamreza Tajgardoon and the CEO of Iranian Fuel Conservation Company. He also sits on the board of several oil and gas companies affiliated with the National Iranian Oil Company, Tamin Investment, and National Iranian Retirement Fund. He was formerly the CEO of Pasargad Oil, where Yaser Farzin, Tajgardoon’s nephew, has been appointed as sales manager.

Ehsan Delaviz

One of the individuals sentenced to 10 years in prison for involvement in the Bank Sarmayeh embezzlement case, in which fake trusts and shell companies were fraudulently registered in the names of taxi drivers and low-level employees for the purpose of money laundering.

Mehdi Bashti

Nephew of Gholamreza Tajgardoon’s wife, whom Tajgardoon appointed to the board of Hormozgan Cement, a company owned by Sepah Bank.

Sasan Tajgardoon

‌Brother of Gholamreza Tajgardoon. Gholamreza recently appointed his brother to the post of Deputy of Investment, Legal and Majles Affairs for the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts. Sasan Tajgardoon also served as organization director of Fars Province Planning and Budget Organization (1386-1392).

Persian Gulf Petroleum Investment Co. (PGPIC)

An industrial holding company that oversees approximately half of Iran’s exported oil production. Last year, U.S. Treasury placed PGPIC on its sanctions list due to its ties to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

Mohammad Nabi Mohammadi

Tajgardoon’s brother-in-law who was appointed as the State Welfare Organization of Iran’s Director General for Majles Affairs. In this high-paying position, Mohammadi lobbies for the welfare organization’s interest with parliamentary representatives, including Tajgardoon himself.

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