Ali Motahari

Conservative maverick Majles representative for Tehran who heavily invests in the publishing industry. He and his family own three companies: The Motahari Bonyad, which publishes and promotes the works of Motahari’s father, the late influential cleric Morteza Motahari; Sadra Publishing House, which publishes works written by Motahari himself; and Fajr Printing House, a company wholly owned by the Motahari family. Together, these three publishing houses employ most of Motahari’s relatives.

Menhaj Enqelab Cultural and Media Institute

Muslim Journalists’ Association speaker Meqdad Zakizadeh is a board member of this conservative media institute which produces propaganda films such as “The JCPOA Embarrassment” and “Purple Prudence,” which directly target President Hassan Rouhani’s policies.

Meqdad Zakizadeh

Speaker of the Muslim Journalists’ Association and sits on the boards of Menhaj Enqelab Cultural and Media Institute and Matin Ray Pouya, both of which are involved in E-publications.

Mohsen Rafiqdoust

Former custodian of Bonyad Mostazafan, also a member of Protection of Family Values Foundation’s board of directors.

“Negah No” Reflection of Muslim World Developments

Mehdi Shakibaei is on the board of this company, which, according to its articles of incorporation, has set out to “create a databank of journalists and elites in the Muslim world, and to hold seminars to discuss important developments in the Muslim world,” among other things.

Mehdi Shakibaei

Second deputy general of the Muslim Journalists Association. He is also connected to the Qalibaf network.

Payam Avaran Tolou Khorshid

First deputy director of the Muslim Journalists Association Massoud Basiri sits on the board of this company, which “trains journalists, camera operators and photojournalists to represent and defend IRI objectives internationally.”

Massoud Basiri

Muslim Journalists Association’s first deputy director general and a board member of BTB-owned Monadiyan Basirat Media along with Seyyed Nezamoldin Mousavi.

Muslim Journalists Association

Exclusive press club and de-facto regulatory body that “cleanses the press atmosphere in accordance with islamic revolutionary values,” according to its articles of incorporation. The Association’s mandate also includes “active participation in political, cultural and social arenas to counter foreign cultural inroads,” all while “defending…freedom of the press.” Membership in the association is only open to those who have “practical commitment” to the “absolute Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist” (Velayat-e Faqih), a founding principle of Iran’s Islamic republic.

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